Another great piece Shomik!

>Start small before going big. Go niche to go broad.< love this as it applies to so many areas 🙌🏻

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Thanks Andre! Trying to live up to Data Driven VC!

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Great essay @Shomik. Reminds of an analogy from the Legendary Geoffrey Moore when he talks about bowling alleys & headpins. The headpin is that niche that can (hopefully) catalyze a knock-on effect where adjacent communities are adopting & using your application.

The Network Density lens injects some additional depth and suggests potential to build a moat versus Moore's "market entry & acquisition" focus with the Bowling Alley; though I still think there is healthy overlap.

As always, thanks for sharing.

For anyone curious on more of Moore. ;-)


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AH I've read Crossing the Chasm but haven't heard about this bowling alley analogy before! Super interesting and thanks for bringing it up. I think you're right that the headpin catalyzes the knock on effect but if you don't hit the headpin with enough force (i.e. with network density) then it's very hard for that pin to cause the others to go down.

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